Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lost Signs of Eastern Parkway

I took these photographs a few years back, on rides to & from work.  Were the signs still around?

Dorothy's (South Carolina) Kitchen, formerly a pharmacy, is a pharmacy once more. Rx has regained its life's purpose!  Maybe the Soul Food & the Ribs are still up top in hiding - the structure of the sign is still the same - but odds are they're wiped out.

Charter is out of sight, but as it's painted on the wall itself, it has a better chance of survival.  I like to think it's undercover.

There's another sign I ought to check on. Don't Let Your Colon Dig Your Grave. That one will have to wait.

Oh what the hell.  Here it is.  And it's gone too.  Remember to get those check-ups.

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