Thursday, October 30, 2014

Velsigne Denne Hjem

You can't walk directly along the low 60s streets from Fifth to Ninth Avenues, because of the train tracks running through.  Because of this I kept making detours, and lost all sense of sequence.  So I'm abandoning order here, and offering a random assortment of observations.
From the foot traffic, and the decorations that adorn the houses here, property around here seems mostly Chinese-occupied these days.

There are plenty of the same style barrel-fronted rowhouses we met on the other side of Fifth, but 61st between Fifth & Seventh .comes as quite a surprise.  Look at these houses with their brightly tiled rooftops, and their railing balconies.  These ones are semi-detached,

but mostly they're rowhouses, with brick-pillared porches. The cornices and tiles make a standard enough rowhouse design something special, though the recently-added hi-security steel doors and fences spoil the good looks.

At one of these houses (no steel here), a front door sign reveals older neighborhood roots:

Velsigne Denne Hjem (Danish): Bless This Home

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